Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Early Chicken Refuses the Worm

I was excited. I was motivated. I was in line for the Worm Lecture.

This was last month. Moose and I went to the Worm Talk. As the worm talk progressed, feelings of dread began to build within me. Here was this large plastic bin where the worms dwell, into which you must shred damp but not wet newspaper and then feed your vegetable refuse. The lecturer stressed points about avoiding flies and other pests. My mind flew back to last summer, when we were first keeping compost. It was in an open plastic bag and we got those annoying fruit flies everywhere.

It reminded me of when I dated a vegan hippie in Brooklyn. His house had those flies. And there were cats. Weird small roaches in the bathroom. He wouldn't use the AC even when it was 101 out.

The worm bin is BIG. Not big if you have a normal house. But BIG for NYC. Big for my 300 sq ft. Big for the non-existent space under the sink.

So...I began to think. What is the point of this bin? We eliminate the step of dropping off our waste to the garden. But why? The garden uses the waste. We don't. Our system is good as it is. Why change?

The Moose was upset. He was like a little boy who had been told he could have a puppy and then got a stuffed animal. (I know, man. My parents did this to me on several occasions.) I felt guilty.

He still wants the worms. Should we get them? WHY should we get them? How does it reduce what we produce?

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